Almost Ready for Launch!

We have finished adding some big features.

  • First and foremost, the english translation is done! The web version is fixed at english, whereas the downloadables let you pick between english and hinglish.
  • Two TV shows added to binge, which are cow tank which is a startup investment show, and Engineering Isekai, which is your generic isekai anime but with the life of an underaccomplished Indian engineer.
  • We added some new backgrounds to the minigame, some additions to it's aesthetics and also some changes to make it faster.
  • We also tweaked the visual novels sanity gain numbers. It will be a more challenging experience now!
  • A menu music player so you can check out all the original music with much more ease.

We are almost done now. We plan to test the visual novel a little more, try to identify some grammar and spelling mistakes (the english version is bound to have thousands. Sorry! Let us know if you see anything!)

Lastly once we are ready with some promotional material we will take this visual novel out of it's testing stage and to the final launch stage!

Thank you for reading our visual novel!

Files 378 MB
Oct 29, 2023 407 MB
Oct 29, 2023 400 MB
Oct 29, 2023 Play in browser
Oct 29, 2023

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